Mishdovan mine

Geographical location of Mishdovan mine

Mishdovan iron deposit is located 17 km north of Choghart mine at 31°50’48 North and 55’31°12” East. According to the 1:50,000 topographical map of the Army Geographical Organization, this field is located in map 7153 (IV). The average height of the deposit is about 1360 meters above the sea level and it is limited to the heights of the border of Bafq basin. The climate of the region is desert and dry and has hot summers and cold winters.
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In general, this region is affected by the dry and desert climate due to its location in the middle of the central desert and the Lut desert. The maximum temperature in summer reaches +45 °C and in winter at least -10 °C. The amount of annual rainfall is irregular and low and the maximum is 50-100 mm, which is mostly related to the winter and early spring seasons. The wind direction is mostly from the southeast to the northwest, which generally creates sand dunes.
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The way to access the deposit under study is through Bafq-Bahabad (asphalt) road, intersection of Se Chahoun mine, exclusive road of Mishdovan iron ore mine, 30 km long. In addition to road access, the nearest railway station to Mashdovan iron deposit is Bafq-Mashhad railway station, 17 km away from the mine.

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The required water is supplied by transporting a tanker from Bafq, and electricity is transferred to the area of ​​Mishdovan iron deposit through the 20 KV Choghart-Se chahoun line.

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The closest city to the Mishdovan anomaly is Bafq city, which is 27 km south of it and 110 km southeast of Yazd. Due to the proximity of Bafq city and the existence of suitable welfare and residential facilities, it is easily possible to provide specialized and semi-skilled human resources as well as labor forces.

The type and volume of exploratory operations carried out

The beginning of systematic discoveries in 1968 by the former Soviet Technoexport company, with the aerial magnetometer survey of the Bafgh-Saghand region on a scale of 1:50,000 and 1:200,000, and for some areas with greater accuracy and on a scale of 1:10,000. The total area of ​​the sampled area was 18100 square kilometers and the area of ​​more detailed samples was about 882 square kilometers. In 1969, to study the obtained anomalies, 4 boreholes were drilled in the central and eastern parts of the Mishdovan mineral mass. Also, 12 trenches were dug in this field in 1978, and only three trenches are available in the western massif. The detailed exploration operation in Mishdovan iron deposit was started in 2012 with the preparation of a 1:2500 geological map with an area of ​​36 hectares and the drilling of four boreholes on the western mass by the exploration unit of Central Ore Company (BAFQ). The continuation of the detailed exploration operation of Mishdovan anomaly was carried out in the middle of 2013 by the exploration affairs of the Iran Minerals Production and Production Company as the employer and the consulting engineering company of Madankav. Supplementary exploration operations in Mishdovan mine were carried out in early 2018 by the exploration affairs of the Iran Minerals Production and Production Company as the employer and ITOC Consulting Engineers. The continuation of the detailed exploration of Mishdovan anomaly has been started by emerging Bafq desert Mining Company as the employer and Kavoshgaran Consulting Engineers Company and it is still going on. A total of 143 boreholes with a total area of ​​08.13545 meters have been dug in various stages of exploration in Mishdovan iron deposit.

The amount of mine reserve

Based on geostatistical estimates, the reserve amount of Mishdovan iron deposit in the initial mining plan (December 2016) was estimated to be 754.11 million tons with an average iron grade of 34.49%, which after optimizing the extraction limit and the final mine plan was estimated to be 8.8 577 million tons could be mined with the tailing ratio of 88.2 in the open pit method. The exploitation of this mine was started in 2008 by Iran Minerals Production and Procurement Company as the employer. In 2017, the operation of this mine was handed over to Bafq Desert Mining Company. In the current mining plan of this mine, from the remaining 4.4 million tons of reserves with an average grade of 41.05%, about 65.3 million tons of mineral material with an average grade of 95.41% will be extracted by open-pit method during a planned 5-year plan. it placed. The mineral extraction capacity in this mine is about 750,000 tons per year and is equal to the capacity of the crushing and refining line. The last extraction plan of this mine was presented after a detailed exploration stage in the period of emerging mining industries as the employer and consulting engineering company of explorers in October 1401. After preparing the mineral resource model, the optimization process was carried out and from the 3.9 million tons of minerals that can be designed as a resource with an iron grade of 21.34%, 5.5 million tons of mineral material with an iron grade of 3.32% was harvested with a tailings ratio. Vector 37/4 has been concluded by surface extraction method of mineral step. Finally, the final plan of the mine with the amount of 3.5 million tons of minerals with 1.35% iron grade and 5.5 waste removal ratio was prepared and presented.

Credit domains

In Mashdovan iron ore mine, iron grade intervals are divided from 10-20% as mineralized tailings, 20-43% as medium-grade iron, and more than 43% as high-grade ore.

Detailed discoveries

Based on the studies conducted and the identification of iron trends in Mishdovan mine, the project of detailed explorations has been continued and it is hoped that the definitive reserve of Mishovan mine will increase with the results of detailed explorations.

Current period extraction activity

The mining activity of Mishdovan mine started in the current period from February 1400 and the contractor's first year mining plan has been planned for about 500 thousand tons.

Stone crusher

Meshdovan stone crusher with a capacity of 750 thousand tons per year was designed and put into operation by the company Avijhe Sanat Toos. Average clods input rate during operation is 32% and output rate is around 43% with recovery around 70%. The quality of the void output of the crusher mentioned for fine (30-0) and coarse (300-30) voids is equal to 13%. Dampa void granulation stone crusher mentioned is 1 million tons.