Mishdovan mine
Geographical location of Mishdovan mine
The way to access the deposit under study is through Bafq-Bahabad (asphalt) road, intersection of Se Chahoun mine, exclusive road of Mishdovan iron ore mine, 30 km long. In addition to road access, the nearest railway station to Mashdovan iron deposit is Bafq-Mashhad railway station, 17 km away from the mine.
The required water is supplied by transporting a tanker from Bafq, and electricity is transferred to the area of Mishdovan iron deposit through the 20 KV Choghart-Se chahoun line.
The type and volume of exploratory operations carried out
The amount of mine reserve
Credit domains
In Mashdovan iron ore mine, iron grade intervals are divided from 10-20% as mineralized tailings, 20-43% as medium-grade iron, and more than 43% as high-grade ore.
Detailed discoveries
Based on the studies conducted and the identification of iron trends in Mishdovan mine, the project of detailed explorations has been continued and it is hoped that the definitive reserve of Mishovan mine will increase with the results of detailed explorations.
Current period extraction activity
The mining activity of Mishdovan mine started in the current period from February 1400 and the contractor's first year mining plan has been planned for about 500 thousand tons.
Stone crusher
Meshdovan stone crusher with a capacity of 750 thousand tons per year was designed and put into operation by the company Avijhe Sanat Toos. Average clods input rate during operation is 32% and output rate is around 43% with recovery around 70%. The quality of the void output of the crusher mentioned for fine (30-0) and coarse (300-30) voids is equal to 13%. Dampa void granulation stone crusher mentioned is 1 million tons.